Great Lakes Herald" is a half-yearly journal of the Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai, India. The mission of "Great Lakes Herald" is to present new evidence that describes the world of management and business and translate research findings on important issues concerning management and business for non-specialists. It aims to publish articles that rely on research evidence as opposed to opinion for their arguments.
The journal publishes empirical research that tests, extends, or builds management theory and contributes to management practice. All empirical methods -- including, but not limited to, qualitative, quantitative, field, laboratory, case study, meta-analytic, and combination methods -- are welcome. To be published in "Great Lakes Herald," a manuscript must make strong empirical and theoretical contributions and highlight the significance of those contributions to the management field. Thus, preference is given to submissions that test, extend or build strong theoretical frameworks while empirically examining issues with high importance for management theory and practice. The journal is not tied to any particular discipline, level of analysis, or national context.
While the journal has a strong empirical focus, we also welcome high quality conceptual papers. These can be literature reviews or scholarly opinion pieces on topics of interest to our readers.