Conference Proceedings

Name Topic Name of the conference Year
Shameem Shagirbasha & Juman Iqbal Factors influencing consumer adoption of e-learning systems 15th NASMEI International Conference, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai 2021
Booshnam Dinakaran & Anbumathi. R  Loyalty better than Royalty Manifestation of Restaurant Loyalty as a function of storescape in an Indian context 15th NASMEI International Conference, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai 2021
Angeline Gautami Fernando & Anu C Haridasan Consumer Boycotts on twitter : Visualisation using semantic networks  15th NASMEI International Conference, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai 2021
Rammyaa. M, Rajeshwari.K & Pavithra.M  Factors that influence sustainable product adoption- A Case of E-vehicles 15th NASMEI International Conference, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai 2021
Umayal Karpagam, Angeline Vilma, Booshnam Dinakaran & Prasanna. V Motives for Migration from theatres to OTT: A PPM approach 15th NASMEI International Conference, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai 2021
Sankalp Sharma, Sowmya Dhanaraj & Vidya Mahambare Profiling female exclusion from labour markets : A latent class approach Annual Conference on Economics and Public Policy 2021
Sankalp Sharma, Sowmya Dhanaraj & Vidya Mahambare Profiling female exclusion from labour markets : A latent class approach Winter School 2021 of Delhi School of Economics and Centre for Development Economics  2021
Sandeep Srivathsan & Manjunath Kamath Extending Parametric Decomposition Method to Evaluate the Performance of a Production-Inventory Networks with Batch Service 31st Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society (POMS) 2021
Sandeep Srivathsan & Sriram Rajagopalan Operationalizing Transport Infrastructure Integration (TII) for Accident Abatement in Emerging Economie 31st Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society (POMS) 2021
Sandeep Srivathsan Performance Evaluation of Bike Sharing Systems 31st Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society (POMS) 2021
Srikant Krishnanprasad & Rajeev Tripathi  Ridesharing operations using a blend of self-scheduling and full-time capacities  Manufacturing and Service Operations Management,Kelley School of Business, Indiana University 2021
Srikant Krishnanprasad Demand allocation policies for ridesharing platforms with dual capacities  XXIV Annual International Conference of the Society of Operations Management  2021
Jalaj Pathak, Abhinav Anand & Sankarshan Basu New measure of financial text readability IIM Ahemdabad Seminar Series 2021
Jalaj Pathak, Abhinav Anand & Sankarshan Basu New measure of financial text readability IIM Bangalore Finance Seminar Series 2021
Sowmya Dhanaraj & Vidya Mahambare Are India’s farm debt waivers a political tool that impacts government finances?  6th International conference on South Asian Economic Development, South Asian University, Delhi, 2021
Shameem Shagirbasha Online shopping behaviour : Predicting consumer’s purchase intention 51 Annual Decision science institute Conference 2020
Shameem Shagirbasha Electric vehicles in India To buy or not? Mining opinions of consumers 51 Annual Decision science institute Conference 2020
Shameem Shagirbasha Moderated-Mediation Model of Emotional Labour 51 Annual Decision science institute Conference 2020
Shameem Shagirbasha Employee customer interaction and emotional labour: The moderating role of emotional intelligence Virtual Midwest Academy of Management (MAM) Conference 2020
Shameem Shagirbasha Sentiment analysis on adoption of blockchain in different sectors 52 Annual Decision science institute Conference 2020
Shameem Shagirbasha What drives consumers to choose their payment method- A study on organized retail outlets 52 Annual Decision science institute Conference 2020
Shameem Shagirbasha Factors affecting customer satisfaction in online video streaming 52 Annual Decision science institute Conference 2020
Sowmya Dhanaraj & Vidya Mahambare Women’s employment, gender identity and partner violence in Urban Australian Gender Economics Workshop,Brisbane, Australia 2020
Anbumathi, R, Umayal Karpagam & Sriram D Exploring the cognitive and affective factors influencing brand love in online food delivery services 4th International Conference on Marketing, Technology and Society, IIM Kozhikode  2020
Rajeshwari K & Pavithra.M Informal Innovations - Current Context and Challenges 14th NASMEI International Conference, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai 2020
Shameem Shagirbasha & Divya S Consumer adoption of e- learning systems 14th NASMEI International Conference, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai 2020
Kishore Bhatter, Shameem Shagirbasha & Rajeshwari K Organizational factors and New Product Development Success: A study of Indian Start-ups 14th NASMEI International Conference, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai 2020
Shameem Shagirbasha, Booshnam Dinakaran & Angeline Vilma  Customer’s purchase intention in brick and mortar stores: Can employees act as influencers? 14th NASMEI International Conference, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai 2020
Chidambaranathan T, Goutham Krishna N, Narayani P& Sriram D MASSTIGE Brands in India: Attributes and its effect on Self Brand Connect among Indian Automobile Brands 14th NASMEI International Conference, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai 2020
Ranjitha Ajay & Madhumathi.R Earnings management and Executive compensation: A study of Indian Manufacturing sector Sixth Biennial Conference of the Indian Academy of Management (INDAM 2020), Indian Institute of Management Tiruchirappalli (IIM Trichy) 2020
Booshnam Dinakaran, Angeline Vilma & Shameem Shagirbasha Can employees influence customer behaviour? An Exploratory Study among Indian Brick & Mortar Stores. 04th International Conference on Marketing, Technology & Society 2020 2020
Sriram Rajagopalan & Sriram R Aspects of Digital Urbanism in India and Abroad IFIP WG 8.6 Working Conference, Indian Institute of Management, Tiruchirappalli 2020
Sriram Rajagopalan & Sriram R A Critical Appraisal of Digitalization in City Administration Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS),Salt Lake City, Utah, United States 2020
Sriram Rajagopalan & Sriram R Going Digital in electoral process for a better Democratic Evolution An empirical study on methods to improve voter turnout in India Sixth Biennial Conference of the Indian Academy of Management (INDAM 2020), Indian Institute of Management Tiruchirappalli (IIM Trichy) 2020
Pon Mythili, Rajeshwari K & Shibashish Chakraborty Post-COVID-19 Sales Force Effectiveness – A Qualitative Study 28th Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Science Conference, at Baveno, Italy 2020
Pon Mythili Transformational leadership and group cohesiveness: Mediating role of followers’ KarmaYoga Indian Academy of Management, IIM Tiruchirappalli 2020
Hema Swamy & Chandan Palaksha SME upgrading strategies AIB International Conference – Paper Development Workshop 2020
Prakash Sathyavageeswaran, Sridhar Samu, Rajesh Nanarpuzha& Jossin Shaji Enjoying the Sale: The Case of Itinerant Retailers in Festivals ACR, Paris, France 2020
Prakash Sathyavageeswaran, Sridhar Samu, Rajesh Nanarpuzha& Jossin Shaji Consuming Extraordinary Experiences: Personal Transformation in the Antistructural Realm ACR, Paris, France 2020
Sridhar Samu, Prakash Sathyavageeswaran, Rajesh Nanarpuzha& Jossin Shaji  EMAC, "Exploring Extraordinary Experiences - Temple Festivals in India,"  Budapest, Hungary 2020
Shameem Shagirbasha  Employee customer interaction on emotional labour: Emotional intelligence as moderator.  Midwest academy of management 2020
Sriram R & Shameem Shagirbasha Eustress – Much Needed Stress in Organizations Sixth Biennial Conference of the Indian Academy of Management, IIM Trichy 2020
Sriram Rajagopalan & Sriram R A Morphological analysis on Digital Urbanism International Conference on Digital Economy  2019
Udaya Prakash N Importance of Classification Techniques National conference on Talk in the Statistics  2019
Hema Swamy & Chandan Palaksha SMEs and Economic upgrading in GVCs: Success factors AIB International Conference – Paper Development Workshop 2019
Arulsamy.S & Sriram. R Social cues in Retailing: The narrowing gaps between rural and urban consumers – A study on food and grocery retail in select districts of India 13th NASMEI International Conference, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai 2019
Bharadhwaj Sivakumaran, Nirmalya Bandyopadhyay & Nachiketas Nandakumar The Impact of Consumer Sales Promotion on Variety Seeking Behaviour 13th NASMEI International Conference, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai 2019
Rajeshwari K & Shameem Shagirbasha How is organisational culture in a start up different from that of an established organisation, in the context of NPD? 13th NASMEI International Conference, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai 2019
Sriram D & Anbumathi.R Conceptualization and exploratory analysis of service constellation 13th NASMEI International Conference, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai 2019
Harindranath R M & Bharadhwaj Sivakumaran Bayesian Structural Equation Modelling for Research in Fashion Management 13th NASMEI International Conference, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai 2019
Harindranath R M & Bharadhwaj Sivakumaran Indian verses MNCs Salespersons: A Multi-Group Analysis of Selling Skills, Adaptive Selling on Job Satisfaction and Sales Performance 13th NASMEI International Conference, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai 2019
Vidya Mahambare, Sridhar Samu & Sanjoy Sircar Designing a successful financial product: Learnings from chit funds 13th NASMEI International Conference, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai 2019
Akarsha Pandey, Debanjana Haldar, Ishita Mogra & Sriram D Effectiveness of Influencer Marketing: A study on Fashion Industry 13th NASMEI International Conference, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai 2019
Suresh Ramanathan Top Down, Side Up: Effect of Food Architecture on Consumption of Hedonic and Healthy Foods. European Marketing Academy Conference, Hamburg, Germany 2019
Anu C H, Angeline Gautami Fernando & Saju B A Push pull mooring approach to examine consumers cross channel switching intentions 13th NASMEI International Conference, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai 2019
Bilwa Upadhye, Debasis Pradhan, Bharadhwaj Sivakumaran & Teidorlang Lyngdoh The Impact of Advertising Appeals on Impulse Buying 13th NASMEI International Conference, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai 2019
Alok Kumar,Vaidyanathan Jayaraman & Vivek Kumar Dubey Impact of Buyer Legitimacy on Supplier Fairness Perceptions and Relationship Outcomes 13th NASMEI International Conference, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai 2019
Sriram Rajagopalan & Rammyaa.M Factors that Improve Sales of Lowest Repetitive Purchase Segments Through Online. 13th NASMEI International Conference, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai 2019
Umayal Karpagam & Nataraj B Factors Influencing Choice of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 10th Conference on Excellence in Research and Education (CERE,2019) ,IIM- Indore, 2019
Mishra, Sridhar Samu & Shameem Shagirbasha Believe it or not! Antecedents and consequences of false news in marketing has been accepted as a poster Presentation Asia Pacific ACR Conference - IIM Ahmedabad 2019
Sriram Rajagopalan Sustainable E-Procurement 28th Annual Frontiers in Service Conference, Singapore, 2019
Sriram Rajagopalan B2B E Marketplace for Textile Industry. A Preliminary study to capture wholesaler’s perspective.  2nd International Conference on Digital Economy, IIM Raipur 2019
Sriram Rajagopalan Maturity Assessment of E-learning in India using IT Strategic Tools  2nd International Conference on Digital Economy, IIM Raipur 2019
Sriram Rajagopalan Abetment of accidents on National Highways in India using Technology POMS 30th Annual Conference Washington D.C, 2019
Shameem Shagirbasha & Angeline Gautami Fernando Think Inverted Maslow’s to build great organizations British Academy of Management ,Birmingham, UK 2019
Shameem Shagirbasha Cognitive appraisal and Emotional labour British Academy of Management ,Birmingham, UK 2019


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