Dr. Kirti Sharma

Dr. Kirti Sharma completed her PhD and M.Phil. from Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, in the area of Finance. She is also an Associate member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, a Post Graduate Diploma holder in Management from Management Development Institute, Gurgaon and an alumnus of Sri Ram College of Commerce, Delhi University. She has more than fifteen years of Industry-Academia experience.
Her Industry experience includes working with organizations such as Deloitte (formerly A.F. Ferguson), PricewaterhouseCoopers, Escorts Ltd., Vatika Ltd. and IBM Global Process Services. Her areas of expertise include audit, accounting, financial reporting and corporate finance. Her PhD thesis was in the area of Knowledge Management and its impact on financial performance.
In academics, she has worked with the Fortune Institute of International Business, teaching post graduate students. Prior to that, she was associated with IIMT-Oxford Brookes University teaching undergraduate students. She has completed the Certificate program for Teaching in Higher Education from Oxford Brookes University, UK. She has been associated with B-Schools MDI-Gurgaon, IMI-Delhi, and IMT-Ghaziabad for conducting guest lectures in the area of finance. She has addressed finance conferences in various national B-Schools and conducted trainings with industry personnel. Recently she conducted a session with National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration (NIEPA) under Leadership for Academician’s Programme’ (LEAP) on ‘Financial Planning and Management of Higher Education’.
Her research interests include knowledge management and financial profitability in the service sector, Blockchains’ impact on accounting and audit, statutory compliances for Indian companies and strategic cost management. She has a number of publications in nationally and internationally referred journals, including a publication in an A-category journal.
Mainstream Press
- Authored Article: "How Would the Finance Domain Evolve in 2025?" published on January 10, 2025, in DataQuest.
- 'Idea Crowdsourcing: Unlocking the Creative Potential of Consumers', co-authored by Dr. Kirti Sharma & Ms. Chitrakshi Bhutani published in (2023)
- 'Top 7 Things the Education Sector Needs', authored by Dr. Kirti Sharma published in Financial Express (2023)
- 'Green Initiatives in Hotel Industry towards Achieving Saptarishi - Green Growth Goal of Budget 2023', by Dr. Kirti Sharma & Ms. Manpreet Kaur Walia, published by ET Hospitality World (2023)
- 'BFSI: Upskill from Beginner to Pro' published by Times of India (2023)
- 'Crypto and Climate Change: Can Web3.0 Help Get us to Net Zero', by Dr. Kirti Sharma, published in Financial Express (2022)
- 'Ethical Issues Associated With Knowledge Management In The Service Sector', by Dr. Kirti Sharma, published in Entrepreneur (2022)
- 'Evolving Investment Ecosystem for Retail Players', by Dr. Kirti Sharma, published by Forbes India (2021)
- 'Cryptocurrency - the Rise of Crypto Nomads', by Dr. Kirti Sharma, published by MoneyControl (2021)
- 'What Difference Digitization will make in the Insurance Industry', by Dr. Kirti Sharma, published by ET BFSI (2021)
Book chapter(s)
- Kirti Sharma, with Prof. Bart F. and Dr. Dutta, "Attitude, Behaviour and New Habit formation for taking Good Dietary Habits From System 2 to System 1" published in IGI Global, Neuroscientific Insights and Therapeutic Approaches to Eating Disorders (2024), https://www.igi-global.com/chapter/attitude-behaviour-and-new-habit-formation-for-taking-good-dietary-habits-from-system-2-to-system-1/351683
- Sharma, K. (2009). Cases in Management-Indian and International Perspective, ‘Shankar’s International Dolls Museum’
Case studies
- Chaklader, B and Sharma, K. (2018) Alok Industries Limited: Investment Decision Through Financial Statement Analysis. Case Centre, 118-0020-1, pp. 3-17.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
- 'Customer’s digital advocacy: the impact of reviews and influencers in building trust for tourism and hospitality services', Dutta, K., Sharma, K. and Goyal, T. (2021), Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, Vol. 13 No. 2, pp. 260-274. https://doi.org/10.1108/WHATT-09-2020-0123
- Evaluating the Value of Knowledge Assets for the Industry resulting from Knowledge Management, Dr. Kirti Sharma, Journal of Services Research, an ABDC-C category journal (2022), https://www.proquest.com/openview/fa41796fe7df18fa10b122612df5c2a5/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=28391
- Sharma, K., & Sharma, V. (2018). Evaluating knowledge management practices in Indian manufacturing and service industry: an overview. International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies, 9(3), 222-242.
- Sharma, K. (2013). Knowledge Management and its Impact on Organisations: An Assessment of Initiatives in the Industry. Journal of Technology Management for Growing Economies, 4(2). Published in the Journal of Chitkara University.
- Goyal, P., Sharma, K., & Jauhari, V. (2004). The state bank of India: A progressive study of transformation of a socialistic welfare organization into a market entity. Journal of Services Research, 4(2), 113. A joint paper published ABDC ‘C’ category Journal.
Editorial-Reviewed Journal Articles
- Madan, K. (2007). An analysis of the debt-equity structure of leading hotel chains in India. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 19(5), 397-414.
Conference proceedings/Publications
- Kirti Sharma, with Dr. Vandna Bhama, "Portfolio Volatility, Moving Averages and Returns: A Study on Indian Firms" published in 49th Euroasia conference, Greece (2024)
- Sharma, K. and Dutta, K. (2018). ‘Value Based Assessment and the Role of KM: An Exploratory Study of B2B Markets’, Management in the New Millennium, Bloomsbury ISBN 978-93-87471-42-9.
- Developing knowledge management scales: an overview (2016). Bloomsbury
- Sharma, K. and Dutta, K. (2013). Exploring the relationship between Knowledge Assets and effective Customer Service Delivery, One Billion Tourists – One Billion Opportunities.
Consulting Projects
- FDP on Financial Planning and Management for higher education (February 2019) organised by National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration (NIEPA)
- MDP on Creative Accounting (May 2017) conducted for members of Export Promotional Council of Handicraft Exports (EPCH).
- MDP on Cost Accounting (June 2017) conducted for Ministry of Finance officials - Afghanistan
- MDP on Business Financials’ Foundation (August 2017) conducted for a Multinational Telecom Company.
- MDP on Pricing Boot Camp (November 2017) conducted for a Multinational Telecom Company.
- MDP on Advanced Public Financials (November 2017) conducted for Ministry of Finance- Afghanistan
- FDP on Creative Accounting and Salary Tax Planning (April 2018) conducted at FIIB.
Invited speech/Panel discussion
- Global Financial Crisis- Issues, challenges and strategies (March 2012) at JIMS Kalkaji.
- Panel discussion on Budget in 2018 at Fortune Institute of International Budget.
- Moderator for Session on Block Chains at Fortune Institute of International Business.
- Speaker at Conference organised by Potential Leaders of Tomorrow organised by All India Institute of Management Association.
Session chair/Program chair for conference
- Session chair International Conference on Services Management (2005).
Mainstream Press Articles
- Kirti Sharma, with Manpreet Kaur Walia (PGDM 21-23), "Green Initiatives in the hotel industry towards achieving 'Saptarishi' - green growth goal of budget 2023" published in ET Hospitality (2023)
- Kirti Sharma, with Nitin Narang, "Interim Budget 2024: What is possible and what might not work out" published in Forbes (2024)
- Kirti Sharma, with Nitin Narang, "Government’s Economic Way Forward: A Strategic Pause Towards Post-Election Reforms Assures Stability and Continuity basis post-budget analysis" published in News Patrolling (2024), https://newspatrolling.com/governments-economic-way-forward-a-strategic-pause-towards-post-election-reforms-assures-stability-and-continuity/
- Kirti Sharma, with Nitin Narang, "Analysing the “In-Trim Budget” 2024" published in Financial Express (2024), https://www.financialexpress.com/budget/analysing-the-in-trim-budget-2024-3380382/
- Kirti Sharma, "Financial Management in a Global Economy-Emerging Trends and Best Practices" published in Forbes (2024), https://www.forbesindia.com/article/great-lakes-institute-of-management/financial-management-in-a-global-economy-emerging-trends-and-best-practices/93692/1
- Kirti Sharma, with Dr. Simarjeet Singh, "COP29: How $300 Billion Climate Funding is an Optical Illusion" published in FirstPost (2024), https://www.firstpost.com/opinion/cop29-how-300-billion-climate-funding-is-an-optical-illusion-13840507.html