Alumni Speak

Sitashwa Srivastava

Sitashwa Srivastava

Founder and CEO, Stockal
PGPM Class of 2007

Co - founded Jade Magnet - India's first crowdsourcing company in the creative and marketing space. Got recognition from NASSCOM (Top 50 Emerging companies), TiE (among India's Top 4 startups in the TiE ecosystem and among the most promising global startups), Manthan Awards (Venture with a high social impact in South Asia) and Most Innovative Startup at Global Technology Symposium, California
"Career is just a by-product of relationships, knowledge and ambition!"

The PGPM program at Great Lakes equips a student with a unique management perspective because of its Case Study based teaching. It also teaches you to work really-really hard with all the content packed into a One Year Course.

More than an academic institution, Great Lakes for me has been an incubation center. Being involved in avenues like placement cell, starting Great Lakes Herald and conceptualizing and creating the first alumni web platform, provided opportunities to work with some of the best students in the batch. It also made sure we learned to do things from a scratch, with a high degree of independence and good economic support. Being a part of Great Lakes was like being part of a startup company. That experience was instrumental in my starting Jade Magnet a couple of years after graduating.

The one year at Great Lakes shaped by entrepreneurial vision, connected me with great friends, got me a co-founder and gave me a lot of patience. Classes on International Entrepreneurship helped shaped my business idea/s and institution building activities taught me how organizations function. I went to Cognizant after Great Lakes and I could see the advantages and disadvantages of working there. It's up to students to take advantage of what Great Lakes has to offer. You have access to good faculty, good colleagues and good infrastructure. Doing well in Great Lakes (not just academically) is probably a good indicator of your ability to do well in the industry. This is something that became clear very early in my year at Great Lakes and it has helped me in the long run.

Sitashwa Srivastava
Co-Founder & Co-CEO – Stockal


  • Cornell University
  • Chicago Booth
  • Skema Business School
  • Universite De Bordeaux
  • Frankfurt School of Finance and Management
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