Alumni Speak


Madan Menon

COO and Board Member of Innovative International Acquisition Corp
PGPM '05

1. Please let us know how you ventured into entrepreneurship?

Entrepreneurship was a journey that I always wanted to embark on. I had spoken to several founders and business persons and tried to learn as much as possible. I was always thinking of ideas and things to do, finally after a few years of working, I decided to take the plunge. I signed on my first client and then quit my job. That day was scary, but the journey has been one I've never looked back at.

2. What is the most important thing that everyone aspiring to succeed in their careers should know?

There are so many important things, such as humility, patience, perseverance, etc however if I have to select just one, I would say identify your superpower. What is the one thing that people will know about you and say "ah, they are going to handle it". Once you identify that, surround yourself with people who complement your skills..

3. What are some ways in which students/professionals can overcome difficult, unprecedented times such as COVID -19?

That's a great question, I wish I had a great answer but sadly I don't. A global pandemic throws a lot of things into a tizzy. What is key is to focus on what is important to you and pursue that. If it means spending more time with family or studying some new course etc. Just do it, because life is appended in a short while. Keeping roots down is going to appear most challenging, but weather that storm, because that too shall pass.

4. What makes Great Lakes stand out in comparison to other B-Schools?

As a part of the pioneer batch, we had an amazing lineup of faculty members, and that were truly jaw dropping. I had been a fan of uncle bala for a while and when he announced that he was starting this in Chennai, and he was going to be teaching cost accounting- That was the clincher for the decision to join.

5. What advice would you offer to current and future students at Great Lakes?

Haha, it's not like I have a magical or some great insight, but what I did that worked for me was give everything you do, 110%. Never did I look back at something I did and ask myself the question " could I have tried something else?". It's ok to give up, but only after you have tried everything. That way you learn how you can do things differently and succeed. Life throws a lot at you, and you need to pick your battles. As an entrepreneur, realizing you need to walk away, is not something to be ashamed of. You regroup, restrategize, and go at it again, and always get help, it gives you peace of mind.


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