Dr. Ravindra Ojha

Dr. Ravindra Ojha


Area: Operations

Email: [email protected]

Prof. Ravindra Ojha, is a Professor – Operations at the Great Lakes Institute of Management Gurugram. In the recent past he has also served the NorthCap University (NCU) and the School of Inspired Leadership (SOIL) Gururgram as a Director. He started his professional career as a Graduate Engineer Trainee at Telco (now Tata Motors) Jamshedpur and went up the ladder to become the Managing Director of G. K. N. Driveline India Ltd and has a rich industrial experience of 30 years in the automotive manufacturing sector. He has a degree of B Tech. (Mechanical) from N.I.T (formerly R.E.C) Warangal (Gold medalist) and M Engg.(Industrial Engg & Management) from the Asian Institute of Technology Bangkok. His areas of interest are Manufacturing excellence, Lean operating systems, Project Management and Leadership competency management. He has a number of publications in these areas.

Trade Publications

  • Ravindra Ojha, "Post pandemic reassessment of OEM supplier relationship" published in Manufacturing Today (2022)
  • Ravindra Ojha, "The circular supply chain for burgeoning electric vehicle batteries: Key facts and useful insights" published in Auto Fintech (2022)
  • Ravindra Ojha, "B Tech to MBA: Is it the most promising journey for students" published in Edu Times (2022)
  • 'Power of Pull System', by Dr. Ravindra Ojha, published by Manufacturing Today (2022)
  • 'From Automated to Autonomous Operation: An Accelerator to Manufacturing Future', by Dr. Ravindra Ojha, published by Manufacturing Today (2021)
  • 'Is Industry-4.0 the New Accelerator to Lean Manufacturing?' by Dr. Ravindra Ojha, Manufaturing Today (2021)
  • 'Has JIT Lost its Sheen due to Shortages during COVID-19 Pandemic?', by Dr. Ravindra Ojha, published by Manufacturing Today (2021)
  • 'Is Post-COVID Indian Manufacturing Ready to Embrace Industry 4.0?', by Dr. Ravindra Ohja, published by Manufacturing Today (2021)
  • 'VSM – Driving Force to Business Process Transformation in the Pandemic Period' by Dr. Ravindra Ojha, published by Manufacturing Today (2021)
  • 'Guest Column: Will next-to-normal lead to robust manufacturing?', by Dr. Ravindra Ojha, published by Manufacuting Today (2021)
  • 'The Circular Economy Imperative' by Ravindra Ojha , published by EPC World magazine. (2020)
  • 'Manufacturing sector challenges & recommendations' by Ravindra Ojha , published by Construction Times (2020)
  • 'Scalability, Speed and Skill ' by Ravindra Ojha , published by The Machinist Magazine  (2020)
  • 'From crisis to transformation' by Ravindra Ojha , published by The Machinist Magazine  (2020)
  • 'Overemphasis on Informal labour: a challenge for ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat’ ' by Ravindra Ojha , published by Manufacturing India (2020)
  • 'Good Governance Can Hasten Manufacturing Growth' by Ravindra Ojha , published by Construction Times (2020)

Journal Articles

  • Ravindra Ojha, with Nitin Gupta & Prem Vrat, "Key drivers that impact the Quality of Education – A Holistic approach" published in Emarld , Journal of Advances in Management Reserach - ABDC C Category, (2022), https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/JAMR-08-2021-0287/full/html
  • Ravindra Ojha, "Lean in Industry 4.0 is Accelerating Manufacturing Excellence – A DEMATEL Analysis" published in The TQM Journal - ABDC B Category, (2022), https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/TQM-11-2021-0318/full/html
  • Ravindra Ojha, "Prioritizing Enablers for Service Quality in Healthcare Sector - A DEMATEL Approach" published in Journal of Health Organization and Management - ABDC B Category, (2022), https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/JHOM-06-2021-0222/full/html
  • Ravindra Ojha, "Prioritising the determinants of Industry-4.0 for implementation in MSME in the post-pandemic period – A Quality Function Deployment Analysis" published in The TQM Journal - ABDC B Category, (2022), https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/TQM-06-2022-0204/full/html
  • Ravindra Ojha, "Service Quality in Banking Sector- An analysis using the SWARA methodology" published in VISION - ABDC C Category, (2022), https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/epub/10.1177/09722629221145587
  • Ravindra Ojha, "A case of fresh fruits and vegetables supply chain performance improvement – a system dynamics modelling and Analysis" published in International Journal of Logistics, Economics and Globalisation - ABDC C Category, (2023), https://www.inderscience.com/offers.php?id=130237
  • Ravindra Ojha, "People Quality measurement in Service industry: A New approach" published in IIML- METAMORPHOSIS - Indian Publication indexed in Scopus and/or WoS Category, (2023), https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/09726225231157973
  • Ravindra Ojha, "Modeling higher education institutional choice drivers: a pre- and in-pandemic study of business schools in India" published in Journal of Advances in Management Research - ABDC B Category, (2023), https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/JAMR-02-2023-0044/full/html
  • Agarwal, A., & Ojha, R. (2024). Prioritizing implications of Industry-4.0 on the sustainable development goals: A perspective from the analytic hierarchy process in manufacturing operations. Journal of Cleaner Production, 141189. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2024.141189
  • Ojha, R., & Agarwal, A. (2023). Implications of circular production and consumption of electric vehicle batteries on resource sustainability: A system dynamics perspective. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 1-25. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10668-023-03279-w
  • 'Enablers of Lean for Manufacturing Excellence – An Interpretive Structural Modelling and Analysis' by Ravindra Ojha , published by MDI -VISION (2020)
  • Ojha R and Tabucanon M T, 1986, A Review of some cellular manufacturing system methodologies, Industrial Engineering Journal, vol, XV, No 7, Jul’1986.   (Best paper awarded)
  • Tabucanon M T and Ojha R, 1987, ICRMA – A heuristics approach for intercell flow reduction in cellular manufacturing systems, Material Flow 4 (1987), pp 189-197 (Elsevier science publishers).
  • Ojha R and Tabucanon M T, 1988, A Heuristic for Machine – component cell formation in cellular manufacturing system. Industrial Engineering Journal, 1988, vol, XVII, No 4, April 1988. (Best paper awarded)
  • Ojha Ravindra, 1989, A productivity linked incentive scheme for a job shop foundry, Industrial Engineering Journal, 1988.
  • Ojha Ravindra, 2001, An approach to ‘Technical and Quality system audit’ process of an auto manufacturing company, Industrial Engineering Journal, No 8, pp 27-31, Aug 2001.  
  • Ojha Ravindra, 2001, A quantitative approach for assessing the technical and quality health of a multi-location automobile manufacturing group, Industrial Engineering Journal, No 12, pp 18-21, Dec 2001.  
  • Ojha R, Anwar M & Dogra R, 2014, Variable earning for workmen in a volatile demand scenario – an application. 2014, Industrial Engineering Journal, Vol VII, issue 4, pp 25-28, April.
  • Ojha R, Katyal S and Sethi S, 2014, An application of Production excellence through value flow – a case study, Industrial Engineering Journal, vol, VII, issue 6, pp 28-33, June. (Best paper award)
  • Ojha R and Sharma, A, 2014, Creating and sustaining the lean office    journey - some experiential facts, Vol. 38, No. 3, July- September 2014, Udyog Pragati, NITIE, Mumbai.  
  • Ojha R, Vij A K and Vrat P, 2014, Manufacturing Excellence and its Critical Factors - An Interpretive Structural Methodology, Vol. 11, No. 3, 2014, Journal of Advances in Management Research. (Best paper award)
  • Ojha R, Vrat P, 2015, Long-term implications of the burgeoning informal labour hiring in Indian manufacturing sector: A System Dynamics analysis, Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management, Vol 16, issue 4, pp 347-360
  • Ojha R, Vrat P, 2016, Prioritizing Factors for Manufacturing Growth in India: An Analytic Network Process Approach. International Journal of Industrial Systems and Engineering.
  • Ojha R, Vrat P and Sharma N, 2016, Long-term Implications of Highway Quality and Length in the Growth of Indian Manufacturing Sector: A System Dynamics Analysis, Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research, Vol 75, August 2016, pp 466-474.
  • Ojha R, Vrat P, 2016, Strategies to accelerate Manufacturing Growth in India: A System Dynamics - Interpretive Structural Modeling analysis, VISION- The Journal of Business Perspective, June 2016, issue 20, pp- 85-100, doi:10.1177/0972262916637255.
  • Ojha R and Vrat P, 2017, Impact of Good Governance on Indian Manufacturing Growth: A System Dynamics Analysis, METAMORPHOSIS, 16(1), 1-10, 2017
  • Saket Jha, Shikha Kasyap and Ravindra Ojha, 2016, Evaluation of Performance Parameters of End of Line (EOL) Testing Machine in Automotive Industry using AHP technique, Journal of Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering (JAAE), September, Vol 3, pp 73-76,
  • Omkar Kaushik, Shikha Kashyap and Ravindra Ojha, 2016, Analysis of Rotary Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) Process in Automotive Industry using 7 QC Tools, Journal of Basic and Applied Engineering Research, September, Vol 3, 1025-1029.
  • Kalra P, Bhardwaj R, Kasyap S, Ojha R, 2016, To increase Overall Equipment Effectiveness using Value Stream Mapping: Review and Analysis, Journal of Basic and Applied Engineering Research, Vol.3, No. 2, pp 69-72. 
  • Aghi D, Upathayay K, Kasyap S and Ojha R, 2016, Efficiency Improvement and Productivity enhancement in Tier II Automotive companies: Review and Analysis, Journal of Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering, vol 3, no 2, pp 66-68.
  • Omkar Kaushik, Saket Jha, Shikha Kashyap and Ravindra Ojha, 2018, Inventory Reduction using the Optimal Policy Curve approach: A Case study, International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, Inderscience, (accepted and is under publication).
  • Ojha R and Vrat P, 2017, Integrated Impact of Highway Infrastructure, Labour Productivity and Circular Material Consumption on Indian Manufacturing Growth – A System Dynamics Perspective, Vol 14, issue 4, pp 1-17, Journal of Advances in Management Research.  
  • Kalra P, Bhardwaj R, Kasyap S and Ojha R, 2018, High Pressure Die-Casting Process Rejection Reduction using Lean Six-sigma approach – A Case study, Industrial Engineering Journal, Vol X1 & Issue no 1 January 2018.  
  • Kaushik M, Chauhan G, Mathiyazhagan K, Ojha R, Kumar M, 2019, Reducing Rejections using Six Sigma: A case from Indian automobile component manufacturing industry. International Journal of Services and Operations Management, Inderscience, Vol 33, No 1, 2019. 
  • Ojha R and Vrat P, 2019, Implications of Goods and Services Tax Reform on the Make-in-India Initiative: A System Dynamics Perspective, System Research and Behaviour Science, 2019; 36: pp. 551–563. https://doi.org/10.1002/sres.2570
  • Ojha R and Vrat P, 2020, Circular Material Resource Consumption for Sustainability of Manufacturing Growth: A System Dynamics Analysis, International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, Vol. 34, No. 4, pp. 349-375.
  • Ojha Ravindra, 2020, Indian Manufacturing sector in the Post-COVID-19 period: A SWOT cum TOWS analysis, Industrial Engineering Journal, accepted and is under publication.

Mainstream Press

  • Authored Article: "Is Accelerated Growth of AI Likely to Impact the UN SDGs?" published on January 8, 2025, in The Week.
  • Is the Burgeoning Last Mile Delivery Becoming A Showstopper to Environmental Sustainability? (Prof. Ravindra Ojha) (Logistics Insider)
  • Sustainable design for a sustainable product lifecycle (Prof. Ravindra Ojha) (https://www.manufacturingtodayindia.com/sustainable-design-for-a-sustainable-product-lifecycle/)
  • Ravindra Ojha, "Is Single-Piece Flow In Manufacturing Not Overhyped" published in The Machinist magazine (2024)
  • Ravindra Ojha, "Is the burgeoning Last-mile delivery becoming a showstopper to environmental sustainability" published in Logistics Insider magazine (2024)
  • Ravindra Ojha, "Are Outsourcing Strategies of Reshoring and Nearshoring Being Rewritten?" published in Machine Edge Global portal (2024), https://machineedgeglobal.com/2024/12/05/are-outsourcing-strategies-of-reshoring-and-nearshoring-being-rewritten/
  • Ravindra Ojha, "Is Industry 4.0 aligned with the sustainable development goals of the UN?" published in Manufacturing Today (2023)
  • Ravindra Ojha, "Unleashing Modern Entrepreneurial Potential In the Current Digital World" published in Opportunity India (2023)
  • 'Accelerating Growth of Industry-4.0: Its Implication on People Factors,' authored by Dr. Ravindra Ojha published in Times of India (2023)
  • 'Overall Quality Effectiveness (OQE): A Holistic Quality Metric in Manufacturing' authored by Dr. Ravindra Ojha published by Logistics Insider (2023)
  • 'EV Battery Production & Consumption Ecosystem: Scaling, Smart Manufacturing & Sustainability', by Dr. Ravindra Ojha, published by BW AutoWorld (2023)
  • Ravindra Ojha, "When tech and management come together" published in The Hindu (2022)
  • '7 Approaches for Sustainable Manufacturing Growth', by Dr. Ravindra Ojha, published in Forbes India (2022)
  • 'Duality between OEE and Industry 4.0 is Pushing Operations to a New Level', by Dr. Ravindra Ojha, published in Manufacturing Today (2022)
  • 'Why do an MBA after B.Tech.', by Dr. Ravindra Ojha, published by The Hindu (2022)
  • 'Technology Enabled Industry 4.0 is People-Centric', by Dr. Ravindra Ojha, published by DataQuest.
  • 'Indian MSMEs Aiming to Embrace Industry 4.0: Fears and Recommendations', by Dr. Ravindra Ojha, published by Entrepreneur.
  • 'BTech to MBA: Is it the Most Promising Academic Journey for Students', by Dr. Ravindra Ojha, published by Education Times (2022)
  • 'The Circular Supply Chain for Burgeoning Electric Vehicle Batteries', by Dr. Ravindra Ojha, published by Autofintechs (2022)
  • 'Online Sales of Fruits and Vegetables Gaining Traction', by Dr. Ravindra Ojha, published by The Hindu BusinessLine (2021)
  • 'How govt can create sustainable manufacturing growth in India' by Ravindra Ojha , published by Forbes India (2021)
  • 'India turns to auction houses in bid to recoup assets from fleeing businessmen' by V P Singh, published by The National (2020)
  • 'Fast Track 'Make - in - India for turbocharging manufacturing growth' by Ravindra Ojha , published by Forbes India (2020)


  • IIT Stuart School of Business
  • University of Bordeaux
  • UMKC
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