List of Publications in Reputed Journals

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Name of the faculty Topic Journal/ Publication Name Year of publication ABDC Listing
DR Harish, T Gowtham,
Amirthan Arunachalam, MS Narassima,
D Lamy, and M Thenarasu
Productivity improvement by application of simulation and lean approaches in an multimodel assembly line Journal of Engineering Manufacture 2023 Scopus
V. Venkatanagarajan and Maree Roche The When and How of Psychological Capital's Upward Contagion Effect: Exploring Through a Cross-cultural Lens International Journal of Cross Cultural Management 2023 B
Angeline Gautami Fernando, Eugene Cheng-Xi Aw What do consumers want? A methodological framework to identify determinant product attributes from consumers’ online questions Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 2023 A
Swechha Chada Economic policy uncertainties and institutional ownership in India The Journal of Economic Asymmetries 2023 B
Shameem Shagirbasha,
Kumar Madhan, Juman Iqbal
Employee-customer interaction and emotional intelligence to impact emotional labor: Does interaction type play any role? Evidence based HRM 2023 B
Kartik Balkumar, Vidyadhar V. Gedam, Mudunuri Himateja,
S.P. Anbuudayasankar, M.S. Narassima,
K. Ganesh, M. Dwarakanath,
Subramanian Pazhani
Prevalence and Future Trend in Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM): A Systematic Literature Review Benchmarking 2023 B
Martin Selvakumar Mohanan & Vijayakumar Rajarathinam Deep insight of HR management on work from home scenario during Covid pandemic situation using intelligent: analysis on IT sectors in Tamil Nadu International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management 2023 Scopus
Kumar Madhan, Shameem Shagirbasha,
Tanmaya Kumar Mishra, Juman Iqbal
Adoption of service robots: exploring the emerging trends through the lens of bibliometric analysis International Hospitality Review 2023 C
Tapas Ranjan Moharana, Debashree Roy & Garima Saxena Brand sponsorship effectiveness: how self-congruity, event attachment, and subjective event knowledge matters to sponsor brands Journal of Brand Management 2023 A
Gayathri Giri, K.S. Nivedhitha  & Hansa Lysander Manohar Can blockchain enabled green bond issuance lead to intent to invest? A moderated mediation model Applied Economics 2023 A
Swechha Chada, Gopal Varadharajan Earnings quality, institutional investors and corporate cash holdings: evidence from India International Journal of Managerial Finance 2023 A
Rajendiran Anbumathi, Sriram Dorai,
Umayal Palaniappan
Evaluating the role of technology and non-technology factors influencing brand love in Online Food Delivery services Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 2023 A
Lithin B M, Suman Chakraborty, Vishwanathan Iyer, Nikhil M N and Sanket Ledwani Modelling asymmetric sovereign bond yield volatility with univariate GARCH models: Evidence from India Cogent Economics & Finance 2023 B
PonMythili Muralidharan, Rajeshwari Krishnamurthy & Shibashish Chakraborty Sales Management Just Got Brighter and More Resilient during Covid-19: An Abstract Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science 2023 Scopus
Shameem Shagirbasha, Juman Iqbal,
Kumar Madhan, Swati Chaudhary,
Rosy Dhall
Workplace isolation during COVID-19 and work–family conflict among academicians: interplay of psychological stress and organizational identification International Journal of Manpower 2023 A
M Ángeles López-Cabarcos, Suresh Srinivasan & Paula Vázquez-Rodríguez An approach to firm’s innovation from the explicit and tacit knowledge spiral Knowledge Management Research & Practice 2023 A
Jitamitra Desai, Sandeep Srivathsan,
Woen yon Lai, Liqun Li, Chuhang Yu
An optimization-based decision support tool for air cargo loading Computers & Industrial Engineering 2023 A
Denny John, M S Narassima, Paramita Bhattacharya, Nirmalya Mukherjee, Amitava Banerjee, Jaideep Menon Model-based estimation of burden of COVID-19 with disability-adjusted life years and value of statistical life in West Bengal, India BMJ Open 2023 Scopus
T. Aathira, P. Rangasami  and M.S. Narassima Situational analysis and conceptual model development of crimes against women and children International Journal of Sustainable Society 2023 Scopus
Hooman Abootorabi, Raj K. Shankar, Einar Rasmussen, Johan Wiklund Do hybrid goals pay off? Social and economic goals in academic spin-offs Journal of Management Studies 2023 FT50
Juman Iqbal, Shameem Shagirbasha, Kumar P. Madhan Service with a Sense of Belonging: Navigating Work-Family Conflict and Emotional Irritation in the Service Efforts of Health Professionals International Journal of Conflict Management 2023 A
Chandrika Raghavendra, Taimur Sharif, Rampilla Mahesh, Miklesh Prasad Yadav, Mohammad Zoynul Abedin Do Market, Resource, and Knowledge Distance Impact Inbound Cross-Border Acquisitions? Global Finance Journal 2023 A
Shameem Shagirbasha, Juman Iqbal, Kumar Madhan Does social perfectionism foster electronic cheating behavior among budding hospitality managers? A moderated mediation analysis Journal of Hospitality and tourism management 2023 A
Raj Krishnan Shankar, Denis Bettenmann, and Ferran Giones Building Hyper-Awareness: How to Amplify Weak External Signals for Improved Strategic Agility California Management Review 2023 A
Shubhabrata Basu, Bishakha Majumdar, Kajari Mukherjee, Surender Munjal, Chandan Palaksha Artificial Intelligence - HRM Interactions and Outcomes: A Systematic Review and Causal Configurational Explanation Human Resource Management Review 2023 A
Abhinav Anand, Sankarshan Basu, Jalaj Pathak, Ashok Thampy Whose speeches impact European markets: ECB's or the national central banks'? European Financial Management 2022 A
Jitamitra Desai, Sandeep Srivathsan, Chuhang Yu, Dong Zhang A 0–1 mixed-integer program-based group-and-release strategy for solving the integrated runway scheduling and taxiway routing problem Naval Research Logistics 2022 B
M.S. Narassima, Prashant R. Nair, S.P. Anbuudayasankar  and K. Ganesh Information and communication technology application in supply chain management: a literature review International Journal of Enterprise Network Management 2022 B
Abishek Santhosh Raj, Shameem Shagirbasha,
Kumar Madhan
A model for lead conversions through cold calling in startup B2B services firms in India: a sense-making derivation South Asian Journal of Business Studies 2022 C
Shanfei Feng  and Trichy V. Krishnan Contract Length Determination in the B2B Service Industry: Role of Economic Factors, Business Relationship, and Learning Journal of Service Research 2022 A*
Vidya Mahambare, Sowmya Dhanaraj Women's challenging commutes in southern India: A case of the metropolitan region of Chennai Cities 2022 Scopus
Sezal Panchal, Denny John, Geetha R. Menon, Narassima M.S., Tushar Shaw Mathematical models on COVID-19 in India: A systematic review protocol F1000Research (PubMed) 2022 Scopus
Raj K. Shankar and Shanthi Gopalakrishnan A Reflective Entrepreneur: Ashok Vasudevan and the Journey of Tastybite Journal of Management Inquiry 2022 A
Rantitha Ajay and Madhumathi R Earnings management and executive compensation: a study of the indian manufacturing sector Journal of Commerce & Accounting Research 2022 C
P.K. Viswanathan, Sandeep Srivathsan, and Wayne L. Winston Multiclass Discriminant Analysis using Ensemble Technique: Case Illustration from the Banking Industry Journal of Emerging Market Finance 2022
Kirubaharan Boobalan, Bharadhwaj Sivakumaran, Margaret Susairaj Organic food preferences: A Comparison of American and Indian consumers Food Quality and Preference 2022 A
Abdelhafid Benamraoui, Eleni Chatzivgeri, Surendranath Rakesh Jory, Ranjitha Ajay VfM audit and the UK public sector: A critical review of the VfM reports Financial Accountability and Management 2022 A
Shameem Shagirbasha Hotel specific mega disruptions: Exploration of multi-stakeholder perspectives Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management 2022 A
Vidya Mahambare, Sowmya Dhanaraj, Pragati Mittal The political budget cycles in the presence of a fiscal rule: The case of farm debt waivers in India Journal of Policy Modeling 2022 A
Raj K. Shankar, Einar Rasmussen, Marius T. Mathisen and Øystein Widding Overcoming Buyer-Seller Tensions in the Pre-Acquisition Process Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 2022 FT50
Chandra Prakash, Vivek Roy, Parikshit Charan Mitigating interorganizational conflicts in humanitarian logistics collaboration: the roles of contractual agreements, trust and post-disaster environmental uncertainty phases The International Journal of Logistics Management 2022 A
Abhinav Anand & Jalaj Pathak The Role of Reddit in the GameStop Short Squeeze Economics Letters 2022 A
Piyush Sharma, Bharadhwaj Sivakumaran,Geetha Mohan Using Schmid-Leiman Solution with higher-order constructs in marketing research Marketing Intelligence and Planning 2022 A
Anubhav Mishra, Govind Radha Indwar, Sridhar Samu If Tomorrow Never Comes: The impact of Anxiety, Materialism, and Attitude on Consumption Behavior in a Pandemic Journal of Consumer Marketing 2022 A
Bilwa Deshpande, Debasis Pradhan, Bharadhwaj Sivakumaran & Teidorlang Lyngdoh The Impact of Advertising Appeals on Impulse Buying Marketing Intelligence and Planning 2022 A
Madhan Kumar, Shameem S, Juman Iqbal Does Incivility in Quick Service Restaurants Suppress the Voice of Employee? A Moderated Mediation Model International Journal of Hospitality Management 2022 A*
Shubhabrata Basu, Bishakha Majumdar, Kajari Mukherjee, Surender Munjal, Chandan Palaksha The role of artificial intelligence in HRM: A systematic review and future research direction Human Resource Management Review 2022 A
Vidya Mahamber,Jalaj Pathak Differential Impact of Diversity in Policy Communication Economics Letters 2021 A
Shameem Shagirbasha & Bharadhwaj Sivakumaran Cognitive Appraisal, Emotional Labor and Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Evidence from hotel industry Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management  2021 A
Bilwa Upadhye, Bharadhwaj Sivakumaran, Debasis Pradhan & Teidorlang Lyngdoh Can planning prompt be a boon for impulsive customers? Moderating roles of product category and decisional procrastination Psychology & Marketing 2021 A
Abhinav Anand, Sankarshan Basu, Jalaj Pathak, Ashok Thampy The impact of sentiment on emerging stock markets International review of economics & Finance 2021 A
Sengazhani Murugesan Vadivel ,Aloysius Henry Sequeira ,Robert Rajkumar Sakkariyas & Kirubaharan Boobalan  Impact of Lean Service, Workplace Environment, and Social Practices on the Operational Performance of India Post Service Industry Annals of Operations Research  2021 A
Nirmalya Bandyopadhyay, Bharadhwaj Sivakumaran, Ravi Shekhar Kumar & Sanjay Patro Immediate or Delayed! Whether various types of consumer sales promotions drive impulse buying? An empirical investigation Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 2021 A
Mita Bhattacharya, Luke Emeka Okafor &  V Pradeep International firm activities, R&D, and productivity: Evidence from Indian manufacturing firms  Economic Modelling 2021 A
Anu C. Haridasan, Angeline G Fernando & Saju Balakrishnan Investigation of consumers cross-channel swtiching intentions : A push - pull mooring approach Journal of Consumer Behaviour 2021 A
Ashwin Baliga, Vaibhav Chawla, LS Ganesh, Vijaya Sunder & Bharadhwaj Sivakumaran Service Failure and Recovery in B2B Markets – A Morphological Analysis  Journal of Business Research 2021 A
Sriram Dorai, Nataraj.Balasubramanian  & Bharadhwaj Sivakumaran Enhancing relationships in E-tail: Role of relationship quality and duration  Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 2021 A
Kirubaharan Boobalan, Geetha Sulur Nachimuthu ,& Bharadhwaj Sivakumaran Understanding the psychological benefits in organic consumerism: An empirical exploration Food Quality and Preference 2021 A
Sujatha Manohar ,Varisha Rehman & Bharadhwaj Sivakumaran Role of unfamiliarity and information on consumers’ willingness to try new healthy foods  Food Quality and preference 2021 A
Ashish Kumar Rathore, Dayashankar Maurya, & Amit Kumar Srivastava Do policymakers use social media for policy design? A Twitter analytics approach  Australasian Journal of Information Systems  2020 A
Vidya Mahambre & Sowmya Dhanaraj Male Backlash and Female Guilt: Women’s employment, gender identity and partner violence in Urban India Feminist Economics 2020 A
Yunxia Zhu, Milind Dawande, Srinagesh Gavirneni, & Vaidy Jayaraman Industrial Symbiosis: Impact of competition on firms' willingness to implement. IIE Transactions 2020 A
M. Ángeles Lopez-Cabarcos, Suresh Srinivasan & Paula Vázquez-Rodríguez The role of product innovation and customer centricity in transforming tacit and explicit knowledge into profitability Journal of Knowledge Management  2020 A
Harindranath R M, Bharadhwaj Sivakumaran   & Jayanth Jacob  The Moderating Role of Sales Experience in Adaptive Selling, Customer Orientation and Job Satisfaction in a Unionized Setting Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 2019 A
Ekta Srivastava, Satish S. Maheswarappa, & Bharadhwaj Sivakumaran  Nostalgic advertising: Managing ambivalence to make it work Marketing Intelligence & Planning 2019 A
Sowmya Dhanaraj & Vidya Mahambare  Family structure, Education and Women's Employment in Rural India World Development 2019 A
Angeline Gautami Fernando, Bharadhwaj Sivakumaran & L. Suganthi, Comparison of Perceived acqusition value sought by online second hand and new goods shoppers European Journal of Marketing 2018 A*
KanWu, Sandeep Srivathsan, Yichi Shen Three-moment approximation for themean queue time of a GI/G/1 queue New journal name -IISE Transactions - (Old journal name IIE) 2018 A
Anubhav Mishra,Satish S Maheswarappa,Moutusy Maity & Sridhar Samu Teenagers’ eWOM intentions: A Nature vs. Nurture perspective Marketing Intelligence and Planning 2018 A
Anubhav Mishra, Satish S Maheswarappa, Moutusy Maity & Sridhar Samu Adolescent's eWOM intentions: An investigation into the roles of peers, the Internet and gender Journal of Business Research 2017 A
Nachiketas Nandakumar, Bharadhwaj Sivakumaran, Arti Kalro & Piyush Sharma Threat, efficacy and message framing in consumer healthcare Marketing Intelligence & Planning 2017 A
Satish Sasalu Maheswarappa, Bharadhwaj Sivakumaran & Arun G Kumar Returns to Search When Consumers Use and Do Not Use Recommendation Agents Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics 2017 A
Arti Kalro,Bharadhwaj Sivakumaran & Rahul R Marathe The Ad Format-Strategy Effect on Comparative Advertising Effectiveness European Journal of Marketing 2017 A*
Ekta Srivastava, Satish Maheshwarappa, &  Bharadhwaj Sivakumaran  Nostalgic advertising in India: a content analysis of Indian TV advertisements Marketing Intelligence & Planning 2017
Monika Mital, Praveen Choudhary, Victor Chang, Armando Papa, & Ashis K Pani Adoption of Internet of Things in India: A Multiple Theory Perspective  International Journal of Information Management 2017 A
Angeline Gautami Fernando, Bharadhwaj Sivakumaran & Suganthi L Message Involvement and Attitude Towards Green Advertisements Marketing Intelligence and Planning  2016 A
Angeline Gautami Fernandoa,L. Suganthi & Bharadhwaj Sivakumaran If you Blog Will They Follow? Using Online Media to Set theAgenda for Consumer Concerns on “Greenwashed” Environmental Claims Journal of Advertising 2014 A
Piyush Sharma, Bharadhwaj Sivakumaran & Roger Marshall Exploring Impulse Buying in Services: Towards an Integrative Framework Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 2014 A*
Piyush Sharma, Bharadhwaj Sivakumaran & Roger Marshall Looking Beyond Impulse Buying: A Cross-cultural and Multi-domain Investigation of Consumer Impulsiveness European Journal of Marketing 2014 A*


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